Thursday, October 13, 2011

Everyone wants to do a Steve Jobs

Steve is dead and for the last week we have been reading, seeing, hearing and listening to tributes made to a man who no doubt deserved all the kudos he got. People have been sending me links and videos and speeches and asides that he has made over the last 30 years but frankly my dear - I don't give a damn.

His words have been interesting, shocking, thought provoking, inspirational, insulting, encouraging, stark and even factual - in the world according to Steve. But from what I see going on around me his commencement speech at Stanford's 2005 graduation ceremony seems to have had the most impact on people all over the world.
Everyone wants to stop living someone else' dream and start living their own. Everyone now wants to follow their heart; drown out the opinion of others and the voice of society. Basically everyone wants to do a Steve Jobs.

Now a doubting Thomas you may be but it is true. In the 3 days after Steve's death while the world was being bombarded with Steve trivia I had more than 50 people walk into my office telling me they want to quit and follow their dream - a la Steve Jobs. My sessions would normally go like this.
"Ma'am, I want to quit my job."
"What? Why?" ( me thinking he wants more money and less responsibility which is normally the case)
"Steve Jobs died"
"What? So? I mean, so why do you want to quit?" ( me trying not to sound so callous )
"Before he died, he said follow your dreams and stop living someone else".
" Ok. Whats your dream?" ( me adopting 'the questions will reveal the answers' theory)
" My dream is to go to Goa and open a bar like Tito's, hook up with Masala Mike and live as if this were the last day of my life - like what Steve Jobs said"
"Don't be foolish. You will not have money to feed yourself." ( me getting down to basics in the face of idiocy.)
"That is what he said Ma'am. He said Stay foolish and be hungry."
"---------------" ( me lost for words )

So 50 variations of the same conversation over 3 days and I figured this is why we are a headless race, robbing Peter to feed Paul, trying to colonize space and save the earth when its us that needs the saving.
We have this amazing ability to select what we want to hear, see and believe - completely out of context and then with a faith that could move mountains act upon this belief thereby changing the course of our lives completely and then blaming everyone else - from the deceased Steve to the immortalized Elvis to the still with us Dr Singh, for things that go wrong.

Me? I am all for change and doing your own thing.
Quit and go do charity.
Quit and go play the guitar.
Quit and start your own catering company.
Quit and be a mechanic despite having an IQ off the charts.
Quit and follow your heart.
It just seems like everyone wants to go to heaven - but no one wants to die.
Everyone wants to DO a Steve Jobs - no one wants to BE the man.

This ones for the apple man. RIP

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