Monday, May 10, 2010

Discrimination at home

Have you ever felt discriminated against in your own country?

I lived 8 years in Dubai and approx 25 years in Pune - and boy am I a second class citizen here in Pune..

"Second to whom?" you may ask. Well second to the marathi manoos at work who maybe a jerk but got the job of the clerk for having the same name as the boss..ofcourse.. and second to the auto guy who brings me to work who can be rude and crude and act like a dude. "Hows that possible?" you ask. Well its quite a task when you have to flag them down in rain or sun - they know its no fun and rejoice in your desperation to get their attention.
Nevermind them I say, what when I spend the day at the govt offices trying to pay my dues, mind you having not received the bill - just the notice of kill - my connections - electricity and phone. While pulling my hair out trying to get him to re-connect he decides to go for chai!! How I hate the chai breaks "why?" Cos it takes all I have to remain calm and use charm on these buggers to beg them to finish the job at hand and then disband but to my dismay they must either eat or pray ( depends on the time of the day)
So defeated I say I'll come back. I may. Or I'll send (read beg) my office boy that way- sounds quaint but you'd faint to know who actually runs the show. Its him I assure you. Yeah well what to do? He is a diva mind you. Ears of the boss..threads so gross an attitude from hell and hair full of gel..
Now bevermind this hiss and tell...
Have you ever felt discriminated against in your own country?

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