Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Monica for a sister!

How many of you have watched friends and said, "Oh My God! My husband is Chandler ( which he is but I'll save that for another blog) or my ex boyfriend is a Ross - or worse still my neighbor is naked man!!? "

Well my sister is Monica. For the last 5 years I have had the sneaky suspicion that she was but it got confirmed this morning when she asked me what I had planned for my daughter's birthday. Now some of you regular guys must think that my daughter's birthday is this weekend. No its not. Next weekend perhaps? No its not. Try the following weekend! So being the elder sister I told her to buzz off, I hadn't even planned what I was gonna have for breakfast today!

Did she buzz off? Nope. She gave me a lecture on how planning is crucial to success and how excel was invented for a reason and how everything can be put in columns and the virtues of buying a BB so I can organize my life and how I need to get the place all ready and spruced up before the birthday ( I only do this deep cleaning sort of thing at Christmas). Truth be told, she lost me at excel....

But at my desk this afternoon, post an extremely unsatisfying lunch, I thought to myself what if she is right? What if I am a failed planner? I wondered, was my lack of planning the reason I met and married my B2 ( brainy and brawny) husband within a year? Was my lack of planning the reason I had 2 kids within 2 years? Was my lack of organization responsible for my eclectic and often borrowed ( by her )wardrobe? Was my inability to stick to a plan the reason I went to Dubai at 20 and came back to India at 28? Was my utter disgust for writing things down the reason I have a great memory and a superior ability to multi task? Was my irreverence for authority and disregard for structure the reason why I now work in the animation industry where barefooted people walk into a multi million dollar studio and my hats and sunglasses are just regular?

If it is, then happy am I. But Kudos to all the 'Monicas' out there! Whatever jingles your bell.
Me, I am a 'fly by the seat of my pants' girl. And for all the organization in my life - I have my beloved sister with whom I am well pleased!

1 comment:

  1. Talk about fuzzy logic. But if it works for you babe, it works for me.
